Keeping your cat's teeth clean and healthy is one of the most important steps you can take when it comes to preventive health care. When your cat's teeth aren't clean, bad breath isn't the only problem your cat faces. Built-up plaque and tartar on your cat's teeth and gums can lead to periodontal disease, which results in bleeding, severe inflammation of the gums, alveolar bone loss (the bone that supports the tooth) and tooth mobility. As periodontal disease progresses, the bacteria can spread from the mouth, travel through the blood and cause damage to the liver, kidneys and heart. Periodontal disease is extremely common - more than 80% of cats have this problem by the time they reach four years of age; however, it is also preventable.
Your cat's dental cleaning begins with a physical examination, in order to evaluate his or her general health. Next, your cat is given an anesthetic for a safe and painless sleep during the dental cleaning. Tartar is removed from your cat's teeth with a hand scaler. Next, a periodontal probe checks for pockets under the gumline where periodontal disease and bad breath begin. An ultrasonic scaler is used to clean above the gumline, while a curette cleans and smoothes the teeth under the gumline in the crevices. Next, your cat's teeth are polished, creating a smooth surface. Finally, the gums are washed with an anti-bacterial solution to help delay tartar build-up, both under the gumline and on the crown of the tooth.
Proper dental care doesn't end when your cat leaves the hospital. Brushing your cat's teeth is an excellent way to ensure between hospital visits your cat's teeth, gums and mouth are healthy. The staff at the Cat Hospital of Austin can show you the proper method of brushing your cat's teeth. Annual veterinary dental care along with home dental care can help keep your cat's breath fresh and gums and teeth healthy.

Your cat has access to a full range of surgical procedures at the Cat Hospital of Austin. From routine spays and neuters to more complex soft-tissue procedures, our hospital is outfitted with the latest surgical equipment and a modern surgical suite. In addition, we use state-of-the-art veterinary medical monitoring equipment to monitor your cat's vital signs during surgery.
During surgery, an experienced veterinary technician carefully monitors your cat's anesthesia requirements. A specially trained veterinary technician assists in surgery, working alongside the surgeon. These technicians always keep a very close watch on your cat and the monitoring devices.
We believe that pain control helps your cat recover more quickly from surgery. A variety of pain control options are available based on the needs of your cat. All patients are provided with pain medication following surgery; we may also provide additional pain control medication for you to take home with your cat.
Cancer Treatment
A diagnosis of cancer can be frightening. However, modern cancer treatments for cats mean our feline friends can successfully fight the disease and go on to lead happy, healthy lives. The Cat Hospital of Austin employs the latest veterinary chemotherapy treatments as part of our feline cancer care program. Animals respond to chemotherapy differently than humans and we have found great success in treating feline cancer with chemotherapy.

X-rays are extremely useful in diagnosing medical and surgical problems in your cat, including tumors, foreign bodies, heart and lung diseases and gastrointestinal problems. Our on-site, modern x-ray technology provides high-quality radiographs to aid in the rapid diagnosis and treatment of your cat. The Cat Hospital of Austin also works with local board-certified veterinary radiologists if specialty consultations are required.

Spay And Neuter
Spaying and neutering are important and necessary medical procedures that enhance the quality of your pets' life. Not only does spaying and neutering have positive effects on your pets' health, it's also vital to controlling the homeless pet population.

A missing cat can be a tragic experience. Even if your cat remains indoors most of the time, reliable cat identification, including an ID tag/collar and a microchip, can help your cat return home safely should the unthinkable happen. Microchipping is a safe, effective way to help identify your cat. We use the HomeAgain microchip system. Please ask a staff member for details about microchipping your cat today.

Vaccinations are a key part of keeping your cat healthy. Even indoor-only cats should be vaccinated against common diseases. Vaccination recommendations are based on the lifestyle of the cat: age, amount of time outdoors, exposure to new cats, etc. Rabies vaccinations are recommended according to Texas law. Rabies vaccinations are administered with Purevax by Merial, the safest feline rabies vaccine available.

Wellness Exams
At the Cat Hospital of Austin, we believe preventive care is the cornerstone of your cat's health. Regular exams are a vital part of your feline friend's health care plan. We recommend all cats receive a yearly physical exam, though more frequent exams are preferred.
A regular exam benefits your cat in a number of ways. Using information obtained from an exam, we establish a complete health profile for your cat. This information is used when administering vaccines, preparing anesthesia for surgery and diagnosing your cat should other health conditions arise. Preventive care and examinations help us find, diagnose and treat health problems before they become serious and more difficult to treat.

Nutritional Counseling
Obesity is a common problem among pets, as it can be easy to overfeed a cute dog or cat that knows how to beg. Being overweight is a serious problem for animals, and can cause real health problems. With proper diet and exercise, all pets should be able to meet their dietary needs and stay within a healthy weight range.

Parasite Prevention
The idea of your pet being infested with parasites is a disturbing thought, but it's also a medical issue that can have serious consequences if not properly dealt with or prevented. Parasites pose a variety of health issues for our pets, who can be very susceptible to certain parasites depending on age, region, and other factors.

Similar to an x-ray and often used in conjunction, an ultrasound provides a real-time, moving picture of your cat's insides. Used primarily for abdominal or cardiac illnesses, ultrasounds allow us to look inside your pet and, if needed, perform organ biopsies that would otherwise require general surgery. Used without anesthesia, ultrasound examinations are less invasive, less stressful and more comfortable for your cat when determining the cause of an illness.

Onsite Diagnostics
Our hospital provides a wide variety of in-house diagnostic testing with the most state of the art technology available. It is our goal to provide your pet with the highest level of care possible, and our diagnostic tools help us do that.

Let the Cat Hospital of Austin be your cat's "home away from home!" We maintain two separate boarding areas for our feline guests, all of whom are given a nice, roomy cat condo to stay in.
We provide lots of TLC to all our feline guests. For a small additional charge, our kennel attendants can provide some special one-on-one playtime with your cat. Please ask us for details.
All boarding guests receive either Purina Pro Plan or Royal Canin premium foods. If your cat has a special diet, or you would like to bring your cat's own food from home, accommodations can be made. In order to keep our guests safe and comfortable, all cats must be up to date on their vaccinations before boarding with us. Because space in our boarding area fills up fast, reservations are required. Please call 512-258-2024 to make a reservation.

Heartworm can affect cats! Heartworm infection is a serious, life-threatening disease that, left untreated, can damage the heart and lungs and, in some cases, result in death. Cats may exhibit convulsions, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, fainting, rapid heart rate, lethargy, coughing as well as non-specific symptoms.
Prevention is the key to fighting heartworm infection! Dr. Percival and the Cat Hospital of Austin staff provide extensive education about feline heartworm disease. Ask us today about what you can do to prevent heartworm infection in your cat.

Health Management
Does your cat have a chronic condition such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism or chronic pain that requires special, ongoing treatment? The Cat Hospital of Austin provides your cat with the treatment he or she needs to stay healthy and happy. We offer diabetic care consultations, hyperthyroid treatment plans, plus many other diagnostic and treatment options that are specific to your cat's health and well-being.

Senior Cat Care
Cats age more rapidly than humans. The life expectancy of a cat today is approximately 20 years, and while it may seem like only yesterday that your feline friend was a playful kitten, your cat begins entering his or her senior years as early as the age of seven. Senior cats have different health care requirements than younger cats and the veterinarians at the Cat Hospital of Austin work with you to develop a comprehensive senior feline wellness program.
You are more likely to find that your cat needs to go the veterinarian a bit more often as she / he ages. It is also beneficial to prevent a health issue from becoming serious by going to the veterinarian early. Treating a disease or injury in its early stage is always less complicated.
As cats age, preventive heath care is increasingly important. Older cats are at an increased risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart or thyroid disease, cancer and others. Because these diseases do not always exhibit external symptoms, they can go often go undetected. We recommend cats age seven and older undergo a complete wellness exam twice a year, in order to prevent or quickly treat any problems.
During an examination, we perform a complete nose-to-tail physical exam of your cat. Our veterinarians listen to your cat's heart and lungs, check your cat's vision and hearing and look for any unusual lumps or swellings, among other procedures. A full dental exam is also performed and a series of blood tests are usually conducted in order to detect the presence of tumors, kidney and liver disease and other ailments.
Most importantly, we encourage you to take an active role in the care of your senior cat. A decline in energy, a decrease in vision and hearing, weight gain or loss, dental disease and skin conditions are all signs of old age. If any of these signs begin to appear, inform your veterinarian and keep track of changes in your cat's behavior or overall health. The veterinarians and staff at the Cat Hospital of Austin understand the bond you share with your cat and it is our goal to make sure you and your cat enjoy many healthy and happy years together.